Vision 16 is a living community based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ - holding His commands of loving God and loving our neighbors as our foundation (Matthew 22:34-40). We believe that community is at the heart of who God is, as the Godhead is a community in and of itself (2nd Corinthians 13:14). We were created by God to enjoy fellowship with Him and glorify Him in everything we do (Ephesians 2:10), especially in our relationships with one another (Philippians 2:1-5).

As followers of Jesus, we believe that community is a unique gift and opportunity to be stewarded with care. We see living with one another as a chance to experience the abundant life that Jesus invites us into (John 10:10). Not only does living in community spur encouragement and growth in our faith, but it forces us to wrestle with different perspectives and points of view that challenge us to live unselfishly.

We do not require a statement of faith to live in Vision 16. Living in a Christian community is an intentional decision to be around other people who want to look more like Jesus, and we are excited to invite anyone who may be interested in exploring their faith and to come experience the hope we have in Christ.


We are a group of students living near the University of Washington. We have four houses, with three designated for ladies and one for the guys. These houses are intentionally situated in close proximity to each other. We firmly believe that living in such a community not only fosters a sense of friendship but also facilitates personal growth. It helps individuals learn about leadership, exposes them to various perspectives and points of view, challenges them to live selflessly, and ultimately leaves them changed.

  • Small Group:  You and several other students meet weekly with an adult mentor to talk about life and the Bible.  This is a great opportunity to engage in the deep things of life that may not be comfortable to talk about around the lunch table.

  • Quarterly Gatherings:  These community-wide gatherings are a time to meet others, worship, learn, serve, and have fun.  Each one is student-organized and led, and the themes and topics always change.

  • House Meetings:  Weekly or bi-weekly everyone from your house will gather to talk about house matters and/or listen to a speaker, worship, or go have fun doing a random activity/adventure.  These are a great time to connect with those in your house that you might not typically see or hang out with.

  • Special Events: The social committee has members from both the men’s and women’s house. Together they plan events such as the Halloween Party, Winter & Spring Formals, Date Skate, Spring BBQ’s, and more!